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Is A Harness Or Collar Better For A German Shepherd? Which Is The Best Option?

The Ultimate Guide: Choosing between a Harness or Collar for Your German Shepherd

Is A Harness Or Collar Better For A German Shepherd

Discover whether is a harness or collar better for a German Shepherd. Explore the benefits, considerations, and fitting tips for each option, and learn how to ensure safe, comfortable walks for your beloved pet.

German Shepherds are active and energetic dogs that require daily exercise and outdoor activities to stay healthy and happy. However, when it comes to walking your furry friend, you might be wondering whether to use a harness or collar.

Both options have their pros and cons, and it’s important to choose the right one to ensure your German Shepherd’s safety and comfort during walks.

As a loving German Shepherd owner, choosing the right accessory for your furry friend can make all the difference. When it comes to walking your German Shepherd, the two most popular options are using a harness or a collar.

While both options come with their own unique benefits and drawbacks, choosing the right one can ensure that your dog stays safe, secure, and comfortable during walks.

With so many options available on the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the perfect gear for your furry friend. That’s why we’ve put together the ultimate guide to help you make an informed decision on whether is a harness or collar better for a German Shepherd.

Is A Harness Or Collar Better For A German Shepherd? Which Is The Best Option?

From the benefits of each option to factors to consider when choosing, we’ve got you covered. So, whether you’re a first-time dog owner or a seasoned pro, keep reading to learn everything you need to know about choosing the right gear for your German Shepherd.

Understanding the Differences between a Harness and Collar

Think of a collar as a necklace and a harness as a coat. Both serve the purpose of attaching a leash but in very different ways. Collars, typically made of leather or nylon, wrap around your dog’s neck. Harnesses, on the other hand, go over the shoulders, chest, and back.

Collar Overview

Collars are the traditional and most common type of leash attachment. They’re straightforward, easy to use, and serve dual purposes: leash attachment and identification tag holder.

Harness Overview

Harnesses have a more complex design than collars. They wrap around your dog’s body, providing more control and evenly distributing force when your dog pulls. They also eliminate pressure on the neck.

Benefits of Using a Harness for Your German Shepherd

Harnesses have various advantages that make them a good choice for your German Shepherd.

Greater Control

Harnesses offer superior control over your German Shepherd, especially if they’re large and strong. This enhanced control can be very helpful when navigating through crowded places or dealing with reactive or over-enthusiastic dogs.

Reduced Neck Strain

Harnesses also reduce the risk of neck injuries because the force is distributed across the chest and back, protecting your dog’s throat.

Benefits of Using a Collar for Your German Shepherd

Collars, despite the surge in popularity of harnesses, still have their place in your dog’s life. Here’s why:


Collars are easy to put on and take off. All you need to do is fasten it around your dog’s neck, and you’re good to go!

Ideal for Calm, Trained Dogs

If your German Shepherd is already well-behaved on walks and doesn’t pull, a collar might be all you need.

When to Use a Harness for Your German Shepherd?

Harnesses can be used in various situations, but they’re especially suitable for specific scenarios:

Training Puppies

Puppies are energetic, curious, and inexperienced. Harnesses are ideal for teaching them leash manners and control.

Dogs That Pull

If your German Shepherd tends to pull on the leash, a harness can provide the control you need while protecting your dog’s neck from strain.

When to Use a Collar for Your German Shepherd?

While harnesses have their place, there are instances where collars are the superior choice:

Well-Behaved Dogs on Walks

If your German Shepherd doesn’t pull and walks calmly by your side, a collar will be more than sufficient for your walking adventures.


Collars are excellent for holding identification tags. It’s wise to keep a collar with tags on your dog at all times, even if you use a harness for walks.

Factors to Consider when Choosing between a Harness and Collar

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to whether is a harness or collar better for a German Shepherd. Here are a few factors to consider:

Your Dog’s Behavior

Consider how your German Shepherd behaves on walks. If they pull or lunge, a harness could be a safer and more comfortable option.

Comfort and Fit

Whether a harness or collar better for a German Shepherd is more comfortable depends on the specific dog. It’s crucial to find a good fit, regardless of which you choose.

Types of Harnesses and Collars for German Shepherds

There are various types of harnesses and collars available, each designed with specific needs in mind.


  1. Flat Collars: These are the most common type of collar and are ideal for dogs that are well-behaved on the leash.
  2. Martingale Collars: These collars tighten when your dog pulls, providing more control.
  3. Head Collars: These fit around the dog’s muzzle, offering maximum control. They should only be used under expert supervision.


  1. Front-Clip Harness: This type of harness has a leash attachment on the chest, which helps from pulling.
  2. Back-Clip Harness: This harness type has a leash attachment on the back and is suitable for calm dogs that don’t pull.
  3. Dual-Clip Harness: These offer both front and back attachments, providing versatility based on your dog’s needs.

How to Properly Fit a Harness or Collar for Your German Shepherd?

A well-fitted harness or collar is crucial for your German Shepherd’s comfort and safety.

Fitting a Collar

A collar should be snug but not tight. You should be able to slip two fingers comfortably between the collar and your dog’s neck.

Fitting a Harness

The fit of a harness can vary based on the design. Generally, you want it snug but not tight, with enough room for a couple of fingers under the straps. Ensure it doesn’t rub under the armpits, which can cause chafing.

Training Your German Shepherd to Use a Harness or Collar

Introducing a collar or harness should be a positive experience for your German Shepherd.

Harness Training

Begin by allowing your dog to sniff and inspect the harness. Use treats to create a positive association. Gradually get them used to wearing it in short, treat-filled training sessions before attaching the leash.

Collar Training

Most dogs will quickly adapt to wearing a collar. If your dog is resistant, use a similar process as with harness training, introducing the collar gradually and using plenty of treats.


So, is a harness or collar better for your German Shepherd? The answer depends on your specific dog and their needs. Both options have their place, and it might even be helpful to have both on hand.

Remember, it’s not just about control, but also your dog’s comfort and safety. As long as you keep these priorities in mind, you can’t go wrong!

Further Research

Do you feel like you need more information? That’s perfectly fine! Feel free to research more if is a harness or collar better for a German Shepherd, ask fellow German Shepherd owners, consult your vet, or speak to a professional trainer.

The more knowledge you have, the better equipped you’ll be to make the best choice for your German Shepherd. Happy walking!

Is A Harness Or Collar Better For A German Shepherd? Which Is The Best Option?


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