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How To Keep Your Goldendoodle Smelling Fresh? Best Tips & Guide in 2023

how to keep your goldendoodle smelling fresh
how to keep your goldendoodle smelling fresh

How to keep your Goldendoodle smelling fresh? How do you keep from having a stinky dog? Actually, it is pretty simple. I am going to show you some easy tricks that will take the time, and stench out of training your dog.

A Goldendoodle is a cross between the golden retriever and the poodle. They are a sweet, playful, and intelligent breed that is known for their loyalty.

It is essential to keep your dog clean and smelling fresh so they can be around other people with no problems.

A Goldendoodle might be the perfect dog for you. They are smart, active, and family-friendly. And if you get one of these hybrid dogs, then you’ll need to know how to keep your Goldendoodle smelling fresh.

Here are some tips and tricks for ensuring that your pooch doesn’t become a smelly puppy.

How To Keep Your Goldendoodle Smelling Fresh?

The Goldendoodle is a cross between the golden retriever and the poodle. This breed is often used as a therapy dog, but it also makes a great family pet.

The Goldendoodle needs to be groomed regularly so that it doesn’t get too matted or dirty. Grooming your dog regularly will also help keep its coat looking healthy and shiny.

If you want to avoid the expense of professional grooming, you can do it yourself at home with some simple tools and products. Here are some tips on how to keep your Goldendoodle smelling fresh:


The first step to keeping your dog smelling sweet is to bathe him regularly. A good rule of thumb is once every two weeks or so if you have an indoor dog, and once per month if he goes outside often. You’ll want to use warm water and shampoo specifically designed for dogs or puppies.

Shampoos that contain oatmeal or coconut oil are great options because they are gentle on sensitive skin and reduce itching caused by dandruff or fleas.

Brushing Your Dog’s Fur

Brushing your Goldendoodle’s fur helps keep it clean and healthy by removing dead hair and debris from the coat.

You should brush your dog at least once every two weeks or so, depending on how much he sheds and whether you prefer him to be long-haired or short-haired.

Trim Your Dog’s Nails Regularly

It’s important to trim your dog’s nails regularly so that they don’t grow too long. If you let them get too long, your dog will be uncomfortable because her nails will start digging into her paws when she walks or runs around the house.

This can cause infections, which can be painful for your dog and lead to other issues like lameness or arthritis later on down the road.

Dental Hygiene

Dental hygiene is a very important part of your Goldendoodle’s health. It’s important to brush your dog’s teeth at least once a week, but more often if you want to keep their breath smelling fresher.

If you notice that the gum tissue around their teeth is red and inflamed, then you should see a veterinarian. This could be an indication of periodontal disease.

Goldendoodles have teeth just like any other dog, but they can get plaque and tartar build-up on their teeth. You should brush your Goldendoodle’s teeth at least twice a week with a canine toothbrush and toothpaste.

The best way to do this is by getting down on your hands and knees, putting the leash around your waist, and holding the end of the leash in your hand. Then, gently use your thumb to push up on the bottom jaw while using your index finger to hold it down on top of the mouth.

This will open up his mouth so you can get at his teeth easily. Once he has his mouth open, use a soft bristle brush and toothpaste to clean all of his teeth thoroughly.

Use The Right Products

It’s not always easy to find the right shampoo and conditioner for your dog. You want something that will be gentle on their skin and coat while still getting rid of any odors. There are several different brands out there that I have tried and loved.

Keep Them On A Balanced Diet

One of the best ways to keep your dog smelling fresh is by feeding them a balanced diet that contains all of their nutritional needs.

You should never feed your dog table scraps or give them human food because this can lead to digestive problems or obesity, which can cause bad breath as well as other health issues like arthritis or diabetes later in life.

Most people feed their dog’s kibble but if you want to give your dog something different, try feeding them raw meat instead. It’s healthier for them and can reduce the amount of fur that gets stuck in their teeth when they chew on it.

You should feed your pet a high-quality diet that includes meat, vitamins, and minerals. This will help keep them healthy and smelling fresh.

You also want to make sure that they get enough exercise each day so that they do not become overweight or obese.

This will help prevent skin problems like acne and itching as well as other medical issues such as joint pain.

Make Sure They Are Getting Plenty Of Exercise

A tired dog is a happy dog! If you want your Goldendoodle to smell fresh all of the time, then make sure that they are getting plenty of exercise daily.

You should also make sure that they have somewhere safe to run around in so that they don’t get too tired before their walk or playtime with you later in the day!

Chew Toys

Chew toys can make great toys for dogs of all sizes, but they are especially important for puppies because they will help keep them occupied while they are teething.

You should always supervise your puppy when they are playing with their chew toys as they could accidentally swallow them if they get too small.

Why Does My Goldendoodle Smell?

The most common reason why your dog may smell like fish is that the food you are feeding them has too much fish oil in it. While fish oil is good for dogs, too much of it can cause an unpleasant odor.

If you’ve recently changed your dog’s diet or added something new to it, then this may be the culprit behind their foul smell.

You should always check with your vet before adding any sort of supplement to your dog’s diet; however, if you aren’t able to pinpoint the source of the odor then it might just be time to switch foods again!

There are many reasons why your dog might smell. Here are some of the most common causes:

Dry skin.

Dry skin can cause itching and hot spots which result in excessive scratching and licking that leads to odor. If you notice dry skin, try adding a moisturizing shampoo into your routine (look for anti-fungal properties), or consider adding oatmeal flakes to your food.

Overweight dogs tend to have more body odor than their thinner counterparts because they have more folds of skin where bacteria can thrive. You should visit your vet if you suspect your Goldendoodle is overweight because this can be dangerous for them over time.

Bacteria build up on their coat due to dirty water bowls and bedding from improper cleaning or from not being brushed enough. Give them a bath every week or two with a mild soap like baby shampoo and make sure their water bowl gets cleaned every day (or more often if needed).


If your Goldendoodle has a malodor problem, it could be due to allergies. Allergies can cause excessive shedding and scratching, which can lead to a malodor problem.

Some dogs that have allergies will also experience skin infections or hot spots if they scratch too much or rub against furniture or other objects in the house.

If you suspect that your dog has an allergy problem, talk to your veterinarian about possible treatments for this issue.

Ear Infections

Ear infections are one of the most common causes of foul-smelling ears in dogs. The infection can also cause redness and swelling around the ear opening. Your dog’s ears should smell like clean fur, not like an unwashed foot.

If your dog is scratching his ears more than usual or if you notice that they’re red, swollen, and smelly, then it’s time to get him checked out by your veterinarian. Ear infections tend to be painful for your dog and can permanently damage it if left untreated.

Bladder Infections

If your dog goes outside frequently, he may have picked up a bladder infection from his environment especially if he spends time near other dogs who aren’t housebroken or if he has access to grass that hasn’t been treated with pesticides or fertilizer (such as grassy yards).

Bladder infections are easy to treat with antibiotics but require immediate attention because they can quickly spread throughout your pet’s body if left untreated.”

Dental issues

Bad breath is often a sign of dental problems, such as gingivitis, which is an inflammation of the gums. If your dog has a bad smell coming from his mouth, it’s time to get him checked out by his veterinarian.

If your dog has bad breath and strong-smelling discharge from his eyes or nose, he may have an infection called stomatitis, or puppy strangles.

Bad diet

If your dog has a bad diet, he may develop an unpleasant odor. The best way to keep your dog smelling fresh is to feed him high-quality food that does not include preservatives or artificial flavors.

Fruits and vegetables are also great additions to your dog’s diet because they provide vitamins and nutrients that keep him healthy and happy.

Eye Run

Eye runs are common in puppies and dogs and are caused by tear ducts that are blocked due to irritation or infection. This can be caused by dirt, grass, pollen, or other allergens that get caught in the eye.

Eye runs can also be caused by bacteria or yeast infections in the eyes, which can lead to redness, irritation, and discharge from the eye. If your pet has an eye run, he may rub his face on the carpet or furniture to try and relieve some of his discomfort.

How To Prevent An Odor?

The best way to prevent odors from developing on your pet is to bathe him regularly with a shampoo designed for dogs or cats with short or medium-length fur.

You should use warm water and avoid getting soap into his eyes or ears; if his eyes are already red or irritated, wait until after he has been bathed before putting eye drops in them.

Be sure to rinse all of the soap out thoroughly so that there aren’t any residues left behind that will irritate his skin later on.

Dry him off well with a towel before letting him go back inside; if he gets wet again before drying completely, he’ll just start smelling worse again!

How to Remove Your Goldendoodle’s Bad Odor?

If your dog smells like urine, it is important to clean the area thoroughly. The smell should fade within a few days, but if it doesn’t, try these methods:

Wipe the area with an enzymatic cleaner that targets pet odors. These products contain enzymes that break down the proteins in urine so they can be washed away.

Spray or wipe the enzymatic cleaner on the affected area and let sit for 20 minutes before rinsing off with warm water. This method is best used on hardwood floors and tile surfaces.

Use baking soda to get rid of dog urine smells on the carpet. Sprinkle baking soda onto the carpeted areas where your dog has urinated and let it sit for about 15 minutes before vacuuming up the powder using a small handheld vacuum or other carpet cleaning machine.

Repeat this process as needed until you no longer smell dog urine on your carpeted areas.

Does Goldendoodle Smell?

Yes, they do. However, it’s not a bad smell, it’s just a natural one. Their hair is a combination of curly and straight hair that can get matted if you don’t groom them properly.

This is why you must brush their fur regularly and keep them trimmed so that their coat does not become tangled with the other dogs in your home.

Dogs are great companions for people who want to get out of the house more often. They are great for exercise and make excellent hiking companions as well as wonderful playmates for children who want to learn responsibility at an early age.

If you want to get a dog but don’t know what kind of dog would be best for your family, consider getting a Goldendoodle!

They are very friendly dogs who will love you unconditionally. Their curly-haired coats require daily brushing which keeps them looking great while keeping them clean and free from dirt and debris that might otherwise cause skin irritations or infections if left unchecked over time.

How often should a Goldendoodle be bathed?

The answer depends on how much time you spend outside with your dog. If he does not spend much time outside then it would be best to bathe him every 4-6 weeks. If your Goldendoodle spends more time outdoors then he should be bathed every 2-3 weeks.

how to keep your goldendoodle smelling fresh 2022


Goldendoodles are very affectionate, friendly dogs with a history of being family pets. However, unless your Goldendoodle was trained as a show dog and kept in a kennel, you’re going to want to groom him regularly.

Grooming will keep your pet happy and healthy, by making sure that his hair stays clean and that any mats are brushed out.

Doodle owners will quickly learn that this dog is a shedder. If you want to keep the house from looking like a jungle, it’s important to give the dog water baths.

One quick way to bathe your Goldendoodle is to use a spray bottle and wipe the immediate area of your pooch with a wet cloth. As much as you love your doodle, it is not yours- so make sure to wash them when they need it.

Hopefully, these tips about how to keep your Goldendoodle smelling fresh have given you some insight into the life of a Goldendoodle and made you aware of how to keep them cleaner for longer.

Keep in mind that your dog could use more baths than stated above because he might be playing in the dirt and grass, rolling around in their bedding, or just having a natural doggy smell. Enjoy your Goldendoodle and each of its unique characteristics.

Anything To Add About: 

Like this article about how to keep your Goldendoodle smelling fresh? Have a point of view to share? Let us know! Share your training tricks below!

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have about purchasing a puppy, owning a dog, training, or anything else related to pets.

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