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How To Train A Dog Stay? A Step-by-Step Guide 2024

how to train a dog stay

Do you want to learn How to train a dog stay? If you’re not familiar with the Stay command, it’s an important behavior every dog should know and master early on.

Most dogs and puppies like to follow their owners and run around the house when they are supposed to be resting.

Courses of action need to be laid out in order to achieve your goal of having a dog that will stay when told to do so.

In this article, I will outline some of the steps you can take in order to learn how to train a dog to stay.

Why Train Your Dog to Stay?

The “stay” command is one of the most important things to teach your dog. Sometimes it can even save their life!

That’s why we suggest that everyone, regardless of age or breed, takes the time to train their dog in this command.

There are many reasons to learn how to train a dog “stay.” First and foremost, it keeps your dog safe. Instead of them running off into traffic, you can call them back with a simple command.

It also helps with tricks such as shaking hands and roll over. Most importantly, the stay command helps when interacting with other people and dogs.

You never know when another dog might be aggressive or what kind of behavior a person might have around dogs so it’s best to keep your pooch close just in case they jump on someone or try to play with an unfriendly dog.

To start on how to train a dog stay, make sure you have plenty of treats and a quiet location where you won’t be interrupted or distracted by other people/dogs/noises.

You’ll want them seated next to you facing away from any distractions as well as having their full attention on you and only you, this means no toys!

How To Train A Dog Stay? A Step-by-Step Guide 2024

How To Train A Dog Stay A Step-by-Step Guide

Training your dog to come on command is critical for his safety. You want to be able to call him and know he will come running every time.

Step-by-step instructions on How to Train a Dog Stay.

1- Start in a quiet space

When learning how to train a dog to stay in command, you must take into consideration the distraction from noise and other events that might occur in your home or workplace.

Any period of distraction, including sounds, movements, or even scents, can undermine your progress.

2- Have your dog sit

Sit is the foundation of stay. If your dog doesn’t know how to sit yet, teach it now before moving on to stay. If he isn’t sitting, teaching him to stay is going to be extremely difficult.

3- Reward your dog after they sit for a few seconds

If your dog sits, don’t reward them right away. Wait a few seconds instead. Then reward them with training treats, an enthusiastic response, or scratches, rubs, and pats.

4- Repeat, but increase the delay

Next, try asking your dog to sit again. But this time wait a few more seconds before giving them a treat, and then gradually increase the length of time.

Do this several more times and then you should be able to get to a point where you can extend the time delay to 15 seconds.

5- Introduce the stay command

Repeat this step until your dog can hold their sit for at least 15 seconds. When they can, begin the “Stay” command.

Say the word “Sit” and wait for them to sit, then say the word “Stay” and give them a treat once they have complied.

Make sure to be confident with your voice, and use a friendly tone whenever possible.

6- Introduce the release command

Now it’s time to teach a release command. First, tell your dog to sit. After 15 seconds have passed, give the release command and toss some treats so your dog has to get up from the sit to retrieve them.

A release command might be a hand signal, such as lifting your hand up, or the words “OK” or “Go.”

7- Make it more challenging

When you know how to teach your dog to stay, you can begin incorporating distance between the two of you when giving the command or have her hold the command for longer periods.

Also, once she has a firm grasp on this cue, you can begin using it in everyday scenarios—like on walks.

Extra tips

Once your dog has a good understanding of the “stay” command, keep practicing each time you give it. Gradually extend the length of time that the dog stays waiting for you to return.

Observe your dog closely for signs that he is about to break his ‘stay’ command, and reward him before he does, setting up a successful experience rather than an unsuccessful one.

Sit-stay can be taught to a dog. Repeat the process above, but ask the dog to sit first.

Can I teach my dog to stay without treats?

It’s possible, but treats are a great way to motivate a dog. They’re quick and easy to use and give your dog a reason to want to “stay.” You’ll find it much harder if you don’t use treats.

If you do decide not to use treats, make sure your dog is at least able to sit on command or do something else that he likes doing. That way you can reward him in some fashion for staying in position.

Can I use another command word instead of stay?

You can use any command word that you like. The main thing is that it’s a trigger word only you use. It should not be used in any other situation. Some owners choose words like “park” or “wait”.

The length of time with which you start will depend on the dog. If your dog can stay for a few seconds, then start with that. If you think your dog won’t be able to stay for more than a second, then start with one second and build from there.

If your dog does not stay, go back to the stage where he was successful for long periods and build up from there again.

how to train a dog stay 2022

How to train a dog stay is essential for most dog trainers, if you are unsure about whether or not your dog should wear one then the best place to start is by asking your vet.

Stay training is an important command for you to teach your dog. It will ensure that he doesn’t disturb you when you don’t wish him to.

My best advice is to keep training sessions brief, enthusiastic, and fun. Just do this a few times a day, every day and your dog should get the idea in just a week or so.

Anything To Add About: 

Like this article about how to train a dog to stay? Have a point of view to share? Let us know! Share your training tricks below!

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have about purchasing a puppy, owning a dog, training, or anything else related to pets.

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